Dr. Pradeepta Sekhar Patro
Rheumatologist, Bhubaneswar
Dr Pradeepta Sekhar Patro is one of the very few doctors from ODISHA to complete DM in clinical immunology and Rheumatology from prestigious Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Medical Science (SGPGIMS, Lucknow). He also successfully finished 2 years online course on “Muskuloskeletal Ultrasound Course” and “Rheumatic Disease” conducted by EULAR (Eular League Against rheumatism,Switzerland).
He also got sponsored form DBT(Department of Biotechnology,India) to present his research topic at American College of Rheumatology (ACR) at San Francisco in the year 2015.He had completed his MD in Internal Medicine from VSS medical college,Burla (2009-2012) and MBBS from the most elite SCB Medical College cuttack in 2007.Since 2016,for the love of his own state Odisha, presently he is working as Associate professor in department of Immunology and Rheumatology of IMS & SUM hospital,BBSR.